Hello Everyone!
I made it, kind of. It’s the last day of me posting every day of the week for M.E and Fibro Awareness Week. I’m going to try post something more fun next time to counter act for all this although I’ve tried to be up beat some days. I just hope this has all helped someone or somehow and we’re all a little more educated on these chronic illnesses.
I’ve talked about mental health, raising awareness, tips for bed bound, being positive, relationships and treatments. I thought I would finish with talking about how you are not your illness, your illness does not define you and how you are a lot more than that.
Yes, you may suffer from a chronic illness like M.E and Fibro or you may know someone who does but that person is a lot more than that. Just like when someone asks what you are, meaning what do you do for a living normally, people will usually say they’re a nurse or a student or accountant, and so on. I think you’re not just your job title. For example:
I am a
Aspiring Actress
Massive Film Fan
maybe even a Best Friend
Sweet tooth
Photo Horder
and plenty more!
But yes, I also suffer from a chronic illness or two.
The chronic illnesses don’t define who I am, its a part of me, but a very small part of me. I want to raise awareness and talk about my illness and if people have questions I’ll happily answer them but don’t just let that be all we talk about, I still have an opinion on if I thought last nights Corrie was decent or if the latest Hunger Games was my favourite in the series or not. There’s a lot more to someone than an illness and it goes for anyone, if they work in a hospital its likely they’re not gonna want to talk about it out of work much. I just want (and I think this goes for anyone like me) to feel a lot more normal than I am sometimes.
Thank you if you’ve stayed with me all week and read every post or any post I’ve done really.
I’ll be blogging a lot more from now on and not leaving it to one a month hopefully.
Take care and I’ll speak to you soon!
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