Hello Everyone!
I’m half way through my blog for ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Awareness Week.
It’s hard to keep your mood positive when you don’t see much of an improvement daily. There’s no quick fix or known treatment and its easy to fall back in depression or feel negative about most things.
There’s always something positive in each day so I decided yesterday I’d write down a few things that I did that were positive, even the smallest of things. Something that might not be a big deal to others could be to you.
I got up and out of bed and managed to get showered and even wash my hair.
I dressed up, curled my hair and put on some make up to look half decent.
I went out for my cousins birthday for a meal with my family and managed not to fall asleep in my food.
I walked from the car to the restaurant without needing to stop and rest.
I managed to eat a starter and a main meal.
I found a new cocktail which I loved and was even called ‘Luna Lovegood’.
I laughed so much at us all playing ‘Lady Diana’ in the car on the way home. (Watch Peter Kay’s Car Share if you don’t know what it is)
I was in bed for 10:30pm and took all my medication.
There not the biggest of achievements but at least I left my bed and did something. If you’re having a bad day try write down a few small things you’ve done and you’ll see that there is something worth going through this pain and fatigue for.
Sorry this is only short, but after yesterday, I’m knackered.
Take care and I’ll speak to you tomorrow.
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