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Showing posts from May, 2015

Do What Makes You Happy

Hello Everyone! After my week long blogging I’ve taken a break for a while. I’ve always been ill on top of my chronic illnesses so I’ve not bee great. I did manage to go see my cousin before she went to prom, all dressing up looking older than me! I can’t believe my prom was nearly 6 years ago and back then my cousin wasn’t even in High School.                Megan and Me @ Megan's Prom 2015           I'm the one in the red dress @ My Prom 2009 I can’t believe what has happened and how different my life is now 6 years on from Prom. I remember hating the idea of leaving school and going to college which I was so right about as I despised college. I did have so much to look forward to back then though and so many dreams and aspirations for my life. I remember thinking how seen I’d be grown up, living away from home and starting my adult life. My life couldn’t be further from that now.  A...

You're More Than Your Illness

Hello Everyone! I made it, kind of. It’s the last day of me posting every day of the week for M.E and Fibro Awareness Week. I’m going to try post something more fun next time to counter act for all this although I’ve tried to be up beat some days. I just hope this has all helped someone or somehow and we’re all a little more educated on these chronic illnesses. I’ve talked about mental health, raising awareness, tips for bed bound, being positive, relationships and treatments. I thought I would finish with talking about how you are not your illness, your illness does not define you and how you are a lot more than that.  Yes, you may suffer from a chronic illness like M.E and Fibro or you may know someone who does but that person is a lot more than that. Just like when someone asks what you are, meaning what do you do for a living normally, people will usually say they’re a nurse or a student or accountant, and so on. I think you’re not just your job title....

Tried and Tested Treatments

Hello Everyone! Okay, okay, yes, this post is late but It’s still Saturday somewhere in the world! Its now day 6 of me blogging all week! Only one more day to go! Hopefully i’ll make it a decent one! I thought today I would talk about treatments that I’ve tried over the past 4 years. This that may have worked for me, may not for you, but things that haven’t worked for me, may work for you. It’s a lot of trial and error. This may be a long post as theres a lot of different types and I may forget a few so lets get started! Blood Tests I’ve basically had every kind possible, this is the first thing you should ask your doctor for, mainly to rule everything else out as there is no test for M.E or Fibromyalgia. Smear Tests This is again to rule anything out. This doesn’t make you a ‘slag’ or anything of the kind, even if you have only ever had one boyfriend you don’t know how faithful or clean they are really. You might trust them and thats great but the fact is, you d...

Family, Friends and Fibromyalgia

Hello Everyone! The reason I started this blog a year and a half ago was so I could help raise awareness but also so I could get my friends and family to read it to educate them on M.E and Fibro.  I thought today I would talk about how having an illness like these can effect relationships. Having any sort of change in your life can effect relationships with other people. If thats a change of job or moving home to having any sort of long term illness or losing someone from your life.  Family When you suffer from an illness that has no known cause or cure its hard to get support. I’ve always had the constant support of my mum and dad but even they struggled to get their heads around it at first. I think my brother didn't understand at first although he was living down in Hertfordshire at Uni so he didn’t really see how I was until he came home.  You have to communicate with your family otherwise they won’t know where they stand especially as you share a hom...

The Little Things

Hello Everyone! I’m half way through my blog for ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Awareness Week.  It’s hard to keep your mood positive when you don’t see much of an improvement daily. There’s no quick fix or known treatment and its easy to fall back in depression or feel negative about most things.  There’s always something positive in each day so I decided yesterday I’d write down a few things that I did that were positive, even the smallest of things. Something that might not be a big deal to others could be to you. I got up and out of bed and managed to get showered and even wash my hair.  I dressed up, curled my hair and put on some make up to look half decent. I went out for my cousins birthday for a meal with my family and managed not to fall asleep in my food. I walked from the car to the restaurant without needing to stop and rest. I managed to eat a starter and a main meal. I found a new cocktail which I loved and was even called ‘Luna L...

M.E/CFS and Fibromyalgia Awareness Day!

Hello Everyone! Today is International M.E/CFS and Fibromyalgia Awareness day!  There are lots of people all over the UK, actually, all over the world fundraising all week but especially today and you can do your bit too. As we cant run a sponsored marathon or anything energetic I believe that this Sunday the 17th we’re having a virtual Princess Tea Party where other sufferers and supporters will be dressing up as a princess and raising a cup of tea to M.E/CFS and Fibre Awareness Week which you can join too by using the hashtags #MEAwarenessWeek, #VirtualTeaPartyForME and #TeaPartyForME. I understand not everyone has the money to donate to charity, I myself don’t as I can’t work although I’m lucky enough that my parents can still support me through this difficult time. I’m determined to pay them back in the future somehow.  You can help spread awareness though too. I don’t know anyone who doesn't have social media these days, even my Grandad has now!  T...

ME/CFS & Fibromyalgia Awareness Week

Hello Everyone! This week starting the 11th of May is M.E/CFS and Fibromyalgia awareness week. Its actually M.E/CFS and Fibro international awareness day on the 12th of May. I’m going to try and blog every day this week something to do with M.E/CFS or Fibro or both. Today I thought I would talk about how important mental health is within these illnesses. Mental health is quite a touchy subject within the M.E/CFS and Fibro community. This is mainly because a lot of people get accused of these illnesses being inside their heads, depression causing it or it not being a real illness. If only this was true and no one would suffer like this. This isn’t why I’m wanting to talk about mental health though. When I was first diagnosed with these illnesses of course one of the first things I decided to look up was whether I could die from it. I’m not going to sugar coat it or anything. Of course I knew about M.S and how awful M.S can be, I thought M.E being in the same family as M.S c...

The Biggest Fail!

Hello Everyone!   Sorry its been a while but I’ve been so ill recently. I’ve been in bed all day and night, the only time I’m really out of bed is for an evening meal. I have no idea whats wrong or why this is happening but unfortunately this means I’ve had no life for about 5 weeks now.  Something has just clicked in my head right now. I don’t know what, maybe its the amount of YouTube videos I’ve been watching and trying to edit my Vlog from Florida that has just given me this burst of energy and urge to just do everything right now. Also someone telling me that I need to grow up may be something else to do with it. I just want to change my life.  I have so much still to do on my list of 22 thing to do before I’m 22 and I turn 22 in just under two months now. I’m finally seeing my friend Lara tonight which is long over due and then catching up with Olivia and Ben after for some drinks (mocktails for me). I’m going to have to be up all day now a...