As you know from my last few blog posts I’ve had surgery recently so I’m sorry for my absence from here lately, it’s been pretty draining and that and lots of hospital/doctors visits. The surgery went without any hiccups or complications and luckily they didn’t find any Endometriosis or any reason at all for my stomach problems which is really good but also so frustrating because well, it means I’m back to square one.
I’ve decided though, after many weeks of feeling sorry for myself that I need to be way more positive as I think positivity is key to getting better. I also have this massive urge to just do something with my life rather than letting this illness take over.
I’m not just going to be blogging about M.E/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Anxiety and my health but other things that interest me, my opinions on places I’ve been, clothes and beauty products I like maybe, reviews of a variety of things. I really do want to raise awareness of everything I’ve talked about so far but my life is not defined by these issues.
So to start off I’m slowly starting to set goals now and not just goals to do with my health but normal 21 year old goals:
to lose weight before my holiday and try to tone my body.
(unfortunately due to my condition I cant exercise much so I’ve put on weight since being ill and lost any muscle I had so it’d be nice to feel slimmer and myself again)
dye and cut my hair
(I need something new in my life and it’s one thing thats easy to change, also I’ve had my hair this colour since I was born and lets face it, my hair is just never going to grow!)
book more trips away
(even if its just for a weekend, it doesn't have to be a long holiday just to see some place new for a bit and get away from things.)
accomplish one thing a day
(even if its just something small it might help me feel like I've actually not wasted my day)
wake up earlier
(even if I’m still lying in bed for a while before I actually get out of bed)
blog more
(I mean, a lot more. It gives me so much satisfaction to hear from people who read my blog and its something I can do from my bed!)
plan things to look forward to
(this could include trips away like I said above but also days out, meeting up with friends, beauty treatments, etc.)
And my last main goal…
start a YouTube channel.
(well I need to build my confidence up again and I’ll be able to do this from my home and when I want to and feel up to it)
Is this something worth doing? It’d just be a hobby for me, but does anyone actually think its worth me doing? This also wouldn't just be about me and having M.E etc but other things that interest me, a lot like this blog now but with the odd Vlog of what I’m up to too but nothing daily, my life really isn't interesting enough for that. Let me know what you think and if you’d like to see these vides. Also if you do, what would you like them to be about?
Hope you’re all having a lovely week :)
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