So when I meet up with friends or see people I haven't seen in a while everyone asks each other "How's uni going?" or "What are you doing at the moment?" and most people mention there new job or apprenticeship. For me its another embarrassing moment attempting the long process of trying to explain what this frustrating illness is. M.E or Myalgia Encephalomyelitis also known as CFS or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Myalgia means muscle pain and Encephalomyelitis means inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. There is no known cause for M.E/CFS but people believe that it could be caused by an in balance of hormones, problems with the immune system, a viral infection (in my case Glandular Fever) or psychiatric problems like stress or a trauma. Symptoms of M.E/CFS - Fatigue is the main symptom physical and mental exhaustion. - Muscle Pain - Joint Pain - Severe Headaches - Brain Fog - Stomach Pain - Sore Throat -...