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Showing posts from December, 2014

10 Things to NEVER say to someone with a Chronic Illness.

This is the last time I will be boring you with the issues in my life, at least for 2014 anyway.  First of all, MERRY CHRISTMAS! i know its a little late but we’re still within the 12 days of Christmas so I think its okay. Is it seven swans a swimming? My friend Jack should know. Since my last post not a great deal has happened in the shape of progress with this pointless illness. I’ve barely seen my doctor since last time which I’m sure they are pretty happy about. I’ve come to realise there isn’t much point until after the keyhole surgery in the new year anyway as they don’t know what to do next.  In a way I’m hoping they do find something because then I know what the hell is going on. Also I’m hoping it isn't Endometriosis and that I’m able to have kids in the future but then I won’t have any idea what is wrong with me in that case. One thing for sure is that I am absolutely petrified about the surgery. I don’t care what anyone says, it may be only keyhole surg...

The most pathetic excuse for a 21 year old.

It's been a while since I've posted anything mainly cause I've been in the worst possible place since this whole stupid illness started.  That place has mainly been my bedroom. My bedroom is at the front of my house with a gaping big bay window for all to see in but these past two months you can't see past the layers of blinds and curtains that have remained closed and I've developed an unhealthy obsession with Prison Break. The only reason I seem to have left my home is to visit a doctor or therapists or for a blood test. If they had a loyalty card I'd be on my second or third this year. I'm not sure what you'd get for having been so many times, maybe a fast pass to the front of the queue on busy days? Although I wouldn't need that I think me and mum have the timing cracked.  Well, at the end of September I went to Florida again, but this time we took a little extra baggage in the form of my auntie and two baby cousins (yes Megan and Chr...